Pupil Premium 2014/15
School Year 2014-15
The amount of funding per pupil is increasing to £1300. Details of funding and spending for the academic year (2014-15) can be found here.
Results from the Pupil Premium pupils (6) in the 2015 Year 6 class are:
Reading - 83% Level 4+, 34% level 5+
Writing - 83% Level 4+, 34% Level 5+
SPAG - 83% Level 4+, 34% Level 5+
Maths - 83% Level 4+, 34 % level 5+
Progress: Reading - 83% made at least expected progress, 17% made better than expected progress. Writing - 83% made expected progress. Maths - 83% expected progress.
This data is based on the children recorded as FSM at the time of the tests and may differ slightly from the data from the January census.