Pupil Premium 2013/14
School Year 2013-2014
July 2014 Year 6 results show that pupil premium children in school achieved as follows:
Reading: 100% of children made at least expected progress. 83% made more than expected progress.(National: 92% at least expected; 34% more than expected)
Writing: 100% of children made at least expected progress. 50% made more than expected progress. (National: 90% at least expected; 34% more than expected)
Maths: 100% of children made at least expected progress.17% made more than expected progress. (National: 86% at least expected; 38% more than expected)
The £37,167 funding enabled us offer extra support and the results show this was effective in supporting the children in making at least expected progress and, in many cases, more than expected progress. We are very proud of these pupils; they are working so hard and achieving well, and the school and staff are providing the opportunities that support them in making such progress.